Friday, December 13, 2013

New Building News

     Just a quick note on our plans for a new Office and Warehouse building, which will be located in     North Carver, Ma. The location will be off Plymouth Street, just east of the Middleboro line. The address will be # 1 Marion Drive, North Carver Mass. 02355.
     Our expectations of being able to move in prior to the beginning of the 2014, will most definitely not
be a reality. However, if at all possible we will make a valiant effort to get moved in before the busy season
is upon us. If not, we've made it through 35 years here at # 3 Plymouth Street, East Carver, so I'm sure we can sneak through one more year if we have to.
      Do not fear, we will be here somewhere, ready, able, and willing to serve you as we have in the past. And, oh by the way, the new address is only approximately 2.5 miles west of where we are today. 

Some things to check out !

      Before the end of 2013 becomes just a distant memory, I'd like to wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and an extremely Happy New Year. I know 2013 was a tough one for many of you, and I find it hard to believe 2014 will be much better. All we can do is hope for the best, and we here at Crop Production Services, will be here to do the best we are able to for each and everyone of you !
       In the next few days, to no more than a week and certainly before Christmas many of you will be receiving a brief letter, of which I will include a copy in this post shortly. The letter is intended to make you aware of several good options for you to take advantage of. These options are from earning good interest on any PrePay balances on your account when you keep a positive balance of $ 2500.00 or more. Crop Production Services will pay 1/2% per month, or 6% per annum, on this balance. I'm sure there are no
banks in this area that will offer that kind of interest. There are several other options which should make it
easier for you to do buisness with us.
       Look back in a few day's, and we will have the letter posted for you all to see. Please don't hesitate to contact us to begin the process, if you see something that might suit your needs.